Household sponges and cloths


Historically, the first materials from which cloths were made were linen and cotton. It is difficult for the modern man to imagine, because in our day such cloths would cost as high-quality clothing. Today rags are made of polyester, microfibers and more.

Interestingly enough, in America, a widespread sign that used kitchen utensils and cleaning cloths cannot be transported to a new home, so that sometimes the “wiped out” misery is not transported to a new home. Such rags Americans burn.


Have you ever wondered why we call a piece of foam rubber a sponge? Possibly because in the Middle Ages the beauties took with them in the bath a true sea sponge caught in the waters of the Mediterranean. Utensils with such sponges were not yet washed, for this purpose served as rags.

The foam sponge in a more or less familiar form appeared to us almost by accident. In 1937. Otto Bayer started producing polyurethane. This material has proven to be extremely promising and widely used. In 1941, during another experiment to produce a new type of polyurethane, German scientists made "defective material" - the polyurethane came out defective, full of air bubbles, porous. Only 13 years after this experiment did humanity realize the potential and benefits of such porous material, in particular, it began to produce sponges.